
2023年8月14日—Hereare5tipstoboostemailsubscribersforyourGumroadnewsletter:Offeraleadmagnet:Offerafreedownloadorresourceinexchangefor ...,Bepatient.Westartedearning6figuresayearafterthreeyearsonGumroad.3.Stayfocused.Donotpivottooearlyifyourproductdoesn't ...,2021年10月10日—7LessonsFromSellingOver$100,000inDigitalProducts·1.Stoppressuringyourself·2.Builditandthey'llcomeisfakenews·3.,2023年4月12...

10 Tips for Creating and Selling Digital Products on Gumroad

2023年8月14日 — Here are 5 tips to boost email subscribers for your Gumroad newsletter: Offer a lead magnet: Offer a free download or resource in exchange for ...

102 creators who've each earned over ...

Be patient. We started earning 6 figures a year after three years on Gumroad. 3. Stay focused. Do not pivot too early if your product doesn't ...

102 Tips For Creators, By Creators

2021年10月10日 — 7 Lessons From Selling Over $100,000 in Digital Products · 1. Stop pressuring yourself · 2. Build it and they'll come is fake news · 3.

7 Tips For Better Selling On Gumroad

2023年4月12日 — 7 Tips for Selling on Gumroad · 1. Create an amazing store · 2. Strong Value Propositions & Headlines · 3. Promote on Social Media · 4. Email ...

9 digital product ideas (with successful examples)

The most common advice you'll hear from the most successful creators is to just start. So to help you get started, we've gathered some ideas for inspiration ...

Follow this guide to sell more as a Gumroad creator

This article presents practical tips for leveraging Gumroad so you can sell more products as a creator and digital entrepreneur. Most creators want to earn more ...

How to Make Money on Gumroad

2022年9月17日 — How to Make Money on Gumroad · 1. Do Your Research · 2. Recruit Affiliates · 3. Refresh Your Product Content & Images · 4. Retarget Your ...

How To Make Money on Gumroad

2023年4月30日 — 1. Do your research · 2. Create your digital product · 3. Create your product listing page · 4. Determine your pricing and payment process · 5.

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